Conditions & Policies
a) Guests of Noah Surf House have free access to group classes including Liquid Balance Kids, Liquid Balance, Yoga Kids, Yoga, Pilates, Stretching, Skate Kids, Skate, Longboard Skate Kids, Longboard Skate, Animal Flow Kids, Kids Play Time, Functional Training, HIIT, Slackline, and Trekking, as well as bicycles and skate equipment, provided that the Sport Activities’ General Conditions & Policies are met.
b) Participation in the above-mentioned sport activities requires reading and accepting the Sport Activities’ General Conditions & Policies and prior booking. Availability depends on the schedule at the time of stay and class capacity limits. Noah Surf House does not guarantee unlimited access to equipment and classes for all guests during their stay.
c) Private lessons in any activity, as well as group lessons for Surf and SUP, Surf Family&Friends, SUP Family&Friends, Yoga Family&Friends, and equipment rentals for surfboards and wetsuits, require checking to the current price list and corresponding payment.
d) Non-guests will not have free access to any sport activities and will be required to pay the applicable rates. Reading and accepting the Sport Activities’ General Conditions & Policies is mandatory, and participation is subject to availability (schedule and class capacity limits).
Bookings, Appointments and Cancellations
a) Activities may occur from 7am to 8pm. Land activities follow a monthly calendar. Ocean activities follow a weekly or daily calendar (subject to changes).
b) The reservation of free access activities for Noah’s guests is mandatory and is subject to availability, according to the schedule in force during the stay.
c) Under all circumstances, all Sport Activities’ appointments and cancellation must happen until 6pm of the day prior to the activities practice.
d) The Functional Training and Yoga Studios can be used freely during the hours defined annually, provided that the Terms & Conditions of use are respected.
e) In the case of paid activities, if the guest does not attend the scheduled sessions or fails to cancel the activities within the time specified in the booking/cancellation policies, Noah Surf House reserves the right to charge for the activity. For activities with free access for guests, if the guest does not attend the scheduled sessions or fails to notify in advance of their unavailability within the time stipulated in the booking/cancellation policies, Noah Surf House reserves the right to disregard their registration after one absence without justification
f) Guests must attend the sessions on time and once the lessons are started no guests can enter.
g) Noah Surf House has the right to decide if weather conditions are suitable for the practice of activities, as well as to finish or interrupt activities at any given moment, without refunding the corresponding value.
h) Weather conditions: if there are no conditions for outdoor activities, Noah Surf House will be obliged to cancel it. Therefore, such activities should be rescheduled as soon as possible or reconverted in other activities with the same value. In this case, non-refund will be applied. If the guest does not have the chance to reschedule activities during the stay, a voucher will be given with the same value, valid for 12 months, to be used in a next stay.
i) The appointment of ocean activities is limited to one session per day, per level.
j) Age Policy: according to the ages defined for each activity.
k) To sign up for any sports activities at Noah Surf House during their stay, guests must use the Digital Concierge—ensuring they follow the required advance notice—or register directly at the Reception when booking through the platform is no longer possible.
l) In case of unforeseen situations, Noah Surf House has the right to cancel any appointment and as well as the obligation to refund the guest.
a) Activities facilitated by a coach, the material, insurance, and VAT are included.
b) Insurances against personal accidents and towards liability are guaranteed to each guest participating in sport activities’ sessions. These insurances cover guest’s injuries during the practice of activities and of any other person involved and hurt during those sessions if the guest respects the terms of this document and coaches’ guidelines.
c) For personal accidents insurance, guests must declare not to have any medical conditions that may thwart or generate injuries during activities sessions.
d) If the guest declares to suffer of any medical condition which may thwart or generate injuries during sport activities’ practice, Noah Surf House has the right to deny the guest participation.
e) Insurances mentioned above will not cover any situation of injuries arising from physical inabilities not declared by the guest.
f) Noah Surf House will guarantee that all the equipment provided is in good conditions. The guest is responsible for the provided equipment and must return it in the same conditions as received. In case of damage or loss, the equipment value will be charged to the guest.
g) During the sessions of any activity, the guest must comply with all coaches’ instructions and should not disturb other members or interfere with the ability of the coach to conduct the class safely and securely.
h) Noah Surf House has the right to exclude any guest that does not follow the terms and conditions, without refund.
i) No guest will have permission to participate in sports activities’ sessions under the influence of alcohol or other addictive substances. In this case, Noah Surf House has the right to exclude any guest from the sessions, without reimbursement.
j) Noah Surf House is by law excluded from any liability to the guest and is not responsible for any loss, damage or injury caused within the practice of the activities during the stay at this property.
Specifications - Surf & SUP
a) All the activities related to the Ocean require payment.
b) The guest must recognize that inherent hazards may exist, both apparent and hidden, associated to Surf and SUP. The participation in Surf and SUP classes may involve injuries. No reimburse will be given in case of accident or other injury during these activities beyond the ones already included in the insurances mentioned above.
c) Noah Surf House has the exclusive right to decide if the beach, weather and ocean (or other factors) conditions may be unsafe to practice any Surf and SUP classes and has the right to finish them at any time, without reimbursement.
d) If the guest uses its own Surf gear, it must be kept in the guest’s room - all types of accommodation have a specific location for storing material. There are no insurances for private equipment.
Equipment Rentals & Usage
a) Noah Surf House owns bikes, skateboards, and protections, that can be used by the guests, subject to availability. However, Noah Surf House does not assure full availability for all the guests.
b) The equipment mentioned above must be returned on time and in good conditions. Otherwise, Noah Surf House will not lend more equipment for free.
c) Noah Surf House also has surfboards and wetsuits to rent. However, it can only be rentable by advanced surfers.
d) Equipment for rental does not include insurance. Upon rental of material, the guest becomes responsible for it. In case of damage or loss, repair, or replacement of material, it will be charged to the guest.
e) For any rent, the guest must sign a term of responsibility and is obliged to pay for any personal accident or damages against others.
f) Guests must always use the equipment considering its purpose and are responsible for keeping its safety and conservation.
g) The guest must return the rented equipment as soon as the rental period expires.
h) If the guest returns the equipment after the rental expiration period, an extra use fee will be charged.
i) If the guest returns the equipment before the rental expiration period, a reimbursement will not be given.
j) The non-return of rented equipment will be notified and shall be subject to a criminal claim for theft against the practice of civil liability of the contract between the parties.
k) In case of theft, the guest must immediately present a criminal claim and is responsible for the payment of the equipment value.
l) Noah Surf House has the right to decline rentals to any guest under the influence of alcohol or other addictive substances.
m) Noah Surf House has the right to decline the rental of Surf and SUP material to any guest with a beginner or intermediate levels, to ensure its own safety, such as the safety of passers-by, other surfers, and sunbathers.
n) The guest is responsible for his/her own insurance to cover personal and third-party accidents that may occur during the use of the rented equipment. Therefore, all the responsibility relies on the guest.
o) For cases not covered by these rules, the current Portuguese law is applicable.
a) The reservation/appointment of any sport activity session requires the reading and the acceptance of the Sport Activities’ General Conditions & Policies.
b) All the conditions above are available at Noah’s Sport Centre desk at Noah Surf House.